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Monday, 10 September 2012

Battling Depression

I have made no secret of my depressive illness (see 'An Experience of Depression'). My illness was well known, and palpably obvious, in the church I attended at my worst. Details of it did the rounds very quickly - not as a basis of gossip - but for Christian brothers and sisters, who loved both me and my wife, to pray and, in the true spirit of 1 John 3:18, do all they could to practically help - and indeed they did!

The Desiring God blog has uploaded an interesting video by biblical counsellor Ed Welch. He raises some useful questions and has an interesting take on the issue of depression amongst Christians.

I am not wholly convinced of his stance but it is certainly interesting and worth hearing nonetheless.

Unbeknownst to me when I began writing, and by some happy accident, the echurch blog has today posted on the Mental Health (discrimination) Bill due to be debated in parliament on Friday (14th Sept). I would add my plea to urge your MP to attend the debate and to back the bill.

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