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Saturday, 30 March 2013

Giles Fraser hates Jesus

Not content with attacking "Evangelical Cheesus", and despising John for being "antisemitic", Giles Fraser has now decided he just hates Jesus. Full stop. To quote the man directly: "I hate Jesus". He comments:
How could Christians not hate Jesus, on some level? Much of his teaching is about the renunciation of desire. And on Good Friday he suffers the most excruciating torture and execution – something he had previously told his followers that they too must be prepared to emulate: "Take up your cross and follow me."
He tries to argue that "Jesus can absorb our hatred and is not destroyed by it. That, in part, is what is going on as he is mocked and spat upon. Mocked by the very same people that once welcomed him with open arms".

Fraser is simply speaking against the fact. Jesus was mocked by those that rejected him. The Roman Soldiers, bar one, ridicule Jesus and the religious leaders - who never followed him and were so envious of his following they sought to destroy him - mocked him alongside. No doubt Fraser is really thinking of the crowd, those that previously followed Jesus from town to town, who now turn on him. However, they rejected Jesus too - he wasn't the messiah they had hoped would save them from the Roman occupation. Indeed, the thief on the cross was saved when he stopped mocking Jesus, treating him with contempt, and accepted who he really was.

Fraser really seems to be saying that he hates Jesus because Jesus demands that he change. Jesus demands he give up sinful desires and turn in repentance to him. In Fraser's own words, he doesn't want to "be crucified". 

As I commented here, Fraser has a real problem when faced with the words of 1 John. 1 John 5:3 says "For this is the love of God, that we keep his commandments. And his commandments are not burdensome". Even Jesus says, in John 14:15, "If you love me, you will keep my commandments". Whilst still representing a problem for Fraser, his words at least accord with 1 John and those of Jesus himself. Fraser's refusal to change, and hatred of Jesus for even asking him to, at least harmonise with the words of scripture. 

The problem Fraser is faced with is the same issue he raises at the beginning of his article:
I hate Jesus. Yes, you read that right. I do. I hate Jesus. Three little words that you may think it absolutely impossible for any Christian to say, especially just before Easter Sunday. Well, I disagree..
I do think such words are impossible for a Christian. Jesus and John both seem to find them impossible for the Christian too. I will let you draw your own conclusion as to what this means for Fraser.

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